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Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I 2nd Edition: Balme, Maurice, Lawall, Gilbert: 9780


Please note that this Teacher Handbook is 2nd edition and the student textbook and workbook is revised 3rd edition. However, the content is still compatible. Illustrations, reading passages and exercises are unchanged between the student revised 3rd edition and the 2nd edition teacher book. However, pages for further reading and specific illustrations referenced in the teacher book are off slightly, but the material is still easy to find in the student book. This is a good option if you strongly wish to use a print teacher's book. Alternatively, a downloadable PDF of the teacher material is also available for use with the revised 3rd edition student books by following the instructions below:

There is so much to like about this course that its difficult to know where to begin. First, all language instruction is within the context of ancient Greek culture. A story line runs through the chapters, and although this has been created to serve the instructional purposes of the book, there are subplots based on the writings of Homer, Herodotus, and Thucydides. It is set in the time period of the beginning of the Peloponnesian Wars. The characters are fictional but the story line has been developed from Greek historians and utilizes Greek myths and stories as well as the writings of Greek philosophers. There is a gradual progression toward reading the Greek of these ancient authors. With numerous illustrations drawn from ancient works of art and architecture, most chapters contain essays in English which deepen the students understanding of the history and culture of the Greeks. Now in the revised 3rd edition, student texts and workbooks include much of the same basic content, but feature some nice updates in format and useability such as self-correcting exercises in the student workbooks and additional illustrations.

Athenaze Book 1 Second Edition

The Teachers Handbook contains translations of all stories, readings and exercises; detailed suggestions for classroom presentation of material; abundant English derivatives; and additional linguistic information. Unfortunately, the revised 3rd edition manual is only available as a PDF. If you have purchased the student materials and have not been able to obtain the Teacher's Handbook PDF, please reach out to our consultant team.

James Morwood was elected to a Fellowship at Wadham College in 1966, where he taught and served as Dean of Degrees, Steward of Common Room, and Dean (the last post from 2000 to 2006). He became an Emeritus Fellow in 2006 and remains Editor of the Wadham Gazette. He still does some teaching at the college.James was educated at Peterhouse, Cambridge, where he sat Part I of the Classical Tripos and Part II of the English Tripos. After a year at Merton College, Oxford on the course for the Diploma of Education, he went to Harrow School in September 1966 to teach Classics and English. He spent 30 years at Harrow, the last seventeen of them as Head of Classics. He was deeply involved in school journalism and drama, working with Richard Curtis and Ben Cumberbatch amongmany others. He was librarian for more than eleven years, and sat on and later chaired the school's Treasures Committee, a body which brought into existence the Old Speech Room Gallery.In 1996 he moved to Oxford University and took up the post of Grocyn Lecturer in the Classics Faculty and served for a year as President of the Oxford Philological Society.James has been a committed member of the Joint Association of Classical teachers and held the Presidency of the Association for 1999-2001, becoming an Honorary Member in 2011. He was President of the London Association of Classical Teachers for 1995-6; has been a regular tutor at the JACT Greek Summer School at Cheltenham and Bryanston since 1970, serving as its Director of Studies, and its Director. He also teachesClassics and English literature at the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education.With Eric Dugdale, he is currently editing a new series entitiled 'Greece and Rome: Texts and Contexts'. His revision of the Oxford Latin Course for North American college students was published in January 2012; his book on Hadrian (Bloomsbury) was published in the summer 2013.Current projects include an edition of Virgil, Aeneid 3 (with Stephen Heyworth), an edition (with Chris Collard) of Euripedes' Iphegenia at Aulis and A Little Greek Reader (with Stephen Anderson-Oxford University Press). He lectures on cruises in the Adriatic and Agean, last September sailing from Istanbul to Athens.

Now that all the books from my massive shopping spree have come in, I thought that I'd write up reviews of the more obscure, in case anyone else is interested. Certainly there was very little about the Italian edition of Athenaze (in English, anyway), and since that was one of the books I had been looking forward to the most, I figured I'd start there.

The additional stories more than double the amount of Greek text in the book. The U.S. edition of Volume 1 has 1494 lines of Greek while the Italian edition has all of those plus another 2346 lines, for 3840 lines total (the reading comprehension passages aren't included in this count for either edition). In Volume 2, the U.S. edition has 1380 lines of Greek text while the Italian edition has 3984 lines, 2604 lines more. Also, the layout of the Italian edition, allows for more words to be figured out in context, especially once past the first few chapters. For example, in chapter 1, the U.S. edition has 35 vocab words and 22 words glossed (57 English definitions total) while 39 words glossed. But in chapter 6, the Italian edition has 27 words glossed (to the U.S. edition's 47 vocab, 45 glossed, 92 total), and by chapter 14, there are just 14 words glossed, while the U.S. edition still gives 79 definitions (47 vocab, 32 glossed).

I ordered my Italian Athenaze from AbeBooks, and it was very easy (though the seller's emails were in Italian :tongue_smilie:; Google translate gave me the basic idea). The site automatically converted the price to dollars, and the cost was just a few dollars more than the equivalent U.S. editions. Shipping was almost another book, but the whole order was still less than any one college textbook I had to get, so it is all relative. Getting the closest thing there is to an LL experience in Ancient Greek is worth it - I'm glad to have them.

BOOK REVIEWS/COMPTES RENDUS fresh approach to reading the Odyssey and appreciating Homer's art. ODYSSEUS TSAGARAKIS UNIVERSITY OF CRETE 74100 RHETHYMNO 77 C.A.E. LUSCHNIG, H.M. ROISMAN. Euripides' Alcestis, with Notes and Commentary. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2003. Pp. 284. US $35.00. ISBN 0806135743. This text is targeted at students who have completed their study of Greek grammar at the intermediate level and are now ready to tackle a specimen of unabridged Greek. A delicate moment this, and available options, in my experience, have not been entirely satisfactory. How does one guide the Greek learner from premasticated authors presented in the likes of Athenaze (Oxford 2003) to the pleasures and challenges of unabridged texts in second year? Luschnig and Roisman. both respected scholars on Euripides, have appropriately chosen Alcestis. The selection is a good one: at I 160 lines the play is the ideal length for a twelve- to fourteen-week semester: its irony, folktale elements and ambiguous treatment of women's roles and status make it a meaty offering for undergraduate tastes. Let me say at the outset that I plan to use this text the next time I teach intermediate Greek, but, as with any text, I will use it with discretion. In general this is a well designed and functional volume. It uses a clear large Greek font: it is superbly organized and appropriately pitched at an undergraduate user. There is a brief introduction with a diagram of the fifth-century theater. and the usual notes on staging. audience. text and meter. I would like to see more on textual transmission , a topic that I would supplement with a concise and studentfriendly discussion of the manuscript tradition. Following the text of the play are the editors' innovative commentary and notes, which not only give the traditional vocabulary glosses and grammatical tips but also incorporate suggestions for study and practical exercises on topics ranging from crasis to conditional sentences. Irregular nouns and adjectives are fully declined ad loe., and other useful information such as the perfect forms of 018a are provided as needed. Students are invited to review particular grammatical points at appropriate mOlnents. The note on 618, for example. asks "What is the form? Review imperatives in the second person" and follows with a chart giving the relevant forms. There is extensive help with vocabulary both in the notes and an additional vocabulary section at the end of the book. Recurring vo- BOOK REVIEWS/COMPTES RENDUS cabulary is marked with a cross indicating that this material should be memorized. These and other features will undoubtably assuage the anxieties of the fledgling Greek learner overwhelmed by the vast number of details that make up Classical Greek. Students will be grateful that the choral odes are fully translated and scanned, although the notation of the meter seems a bit cramped and hard to read. In addition to discussing grammar and vocabulary, the commentary and notes make suggestions about interpretation and staging. They draw attention, for example, to some of the vocabulary and metrical variations used to delineate the character of Adlnetus. They speculate about the use of the eccyclema in the second episode (the tableau of the dying Alcestis), and offer insights into how Euripides plays with conventions such as the "recognition scene" in the exodus. The final section of the text is a collection of discussions, often with a remark by Roisman countered by Luschnig. The object, according to its introduction, is not to offer an authoritative interpretation of a particular topic or problem but rather to "stimulate thought and participation ." This is a feature of the text which sets it head and shoulders above its competition, and lets the student appreciate the complexity of an author who can seldom be pinned down to a single interpretation. Few Greek text books have such a well defined personality as this volume. It speaks in the voice of a patient, methodical and experienced instructor. It may be too prescriptive for some tastes, but I suspect that professors will find its meticulous planning a welcome aid, while their pupils will gain the confidence and experience to keep reading Greek. JUDITH FLETCHER DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND CLASSICAL... 2ff7e9595c

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